Monday, September 04, 2006


A Change is in Order

Ah, peace at last. Since our recent "visit", I tried to enable comment moderation, unfortunately, that only works if one is not using Bravenet for one's comment section. Therefore, since a change was really much needed, as I have had this template for a long time now, I changed the template and removed the Bravenet comment thing. I liked the name of this one, "sand dollar". Not that it looks like a sand dollar, more like the mustard you find in junior's diaper, but, hey, baby mustard works for me, and since not too many people go for baby mustard, maybe this will make me unique...more unique than I already am.
Thank you, "smact", for your comment. I did get it before it got deleted. I'm sure you'll hear all about it at work.
I'm still finding it hard to believe that there are those people left in the United States that are completely hard-headed enough to believe stupid stereotypes. Given the nicknames of those I'm referring to, I would assume that they are from the American South. I could spout a few stereotypes about this region of the world myself, which wouldn't be "purty", *ahem*. It's just sad that people who 've never travelled outside of their own little acreage, make up the craziest stuff (that wasn't the word I would have chosen, but I must keep it clean...) about things they don't know and have never seen nor experienced. It's ignorance, but more than that it's complacency. (People like that generally have to use a dictionary to find the bathroom.) I won't give a place for them in my blog.

Change is good. So is self-respect. :)
I don't know where they might be from but agree with you. I like what you posted. just to let you know, you have been tagged.
Dear sister Denise,

I was reading one of your comments- where something I said made you sad. I said that the rasicts in UK need a dose of their own medicine. I would like to ask you, do you really feel that such people can change with education? You think an Osama or a Saddam or any of these can change with education and love?
I hope they can- but we would need to be still stronger. I think it needs a lot of strenght to face them with education and love. I hope it is possible.
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