Monday, August 14, 2006


The World on a Whole New Level

I'm not quite sure how I feel about the whole "world issue" right now. There's so much going on that it's sort of hard to pinpoint any one emotion, ninety-five percent of which are negative. I read the news tonight and had to shake my head. Between the Middle East conflicts (of which there are several), and the UK terror arrests, there are also more piddly little things that may not mean much to most people, but when you look at it from the "whole Muslim picture" as I like to put it, you wind up with a different photograph altogether. Take for instance the men in two different states that have been arrested for buying too many cell phones. The FBI states today that there are no terror plots involved as far as they can tell. Does this mean that all young Arab-American men are going to be busted if they purchase too much of one item? And who determines how much is too much? Arabs are obsessed with cell phones because they are a highly social people. It is a huge money-making business for them. Did anyone notice how the media "happened to mention" that the boys were Lebanese-Americans? Duh!
So, then, how about the plane that had an emergency landing because there was a "suspicious item" on board that didn't have an owner. The article I read didn't say what it was. I am sure that the "item" in question was so inane that the airline was too embarrassed to pass along that info. They called in the "bomb dogs" to sniff it out. Whatever it was, (maybe someone's catheter bag), it wasn't explosive, unless you count the peals of laughter coming from behind my computer.
The world situation has gotten out of hand. It was almost okay until a certain world leader got hold of it, and now its unbearably crazed, paranoid, and homicidal. I would like to think that that certain world leader will soon be replaced by a much wiser and less "explosive" one. One that doesn't coin stupid phrases that inflame large groups of people that would normally be willing to help his cause. One who tells his people the truth about what he is doing rather than inventing fairy tales and myths. One that when one of his people wants to ask a question about one of his policies, he has the good graces to answer that question rather than pretend like his people don't exist. One that doesn't spit into the wind.
The world is a mess. When the whole Lebanon/Israel thing started, Karim said only one thing. He didn't get flustered and start cussing the Israelis. He didn't point fingers (like I do) at the US govt. He didn't side with Hezbollah. He looked very sad and tired when he said, "The world is boiling".

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